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The Evidence For Electrical Currents in Cosmic Plasma, A. L. Peratt, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 18, p.26 (1990) (548KB).
Plasma Experiments in the Laboratory and Space, A. L. Peratt, C.-G. Fälthammar, and N. Rynn (1992) (548KB)
Equilibrium of Intergalactic Currents, B. E. Meierovich and A. L. Peratt, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 20, p.891, 1992 (152KB)
Alfvén Waves and Birkeland Currents, T. A. Potemra, Physica Scripta, T60, 107-112, 1995
Advances in Numerical Modeling of Astrophysical and Space Plasma, A. L. Peratt, APSS 242, 1997 (3.3MB)
Advances in Numerical Modeling of Astrophysical and Space Plasma, Part II Astrophysical Force Laws on the Large Scale. A. L. Peratt, APSS 256, 1998 (2.1MB)
Advances in Numerical Modeling of Astrophysical and Space Plasma, Part II Astrophysical Force Laws on the Large Scale. A .L. Peratt, APSS 256, 1998 [Adobe annotated edition] (8.3MB)
The Redshift Revisited A.K.T. Assis and M.C.D. Neves(36KB), Astrophys. Space Sci. 227, 13-24, 1995 (696K)
The Temperature of Space, C.H. Guillame 1896 (108KB)
Thermalization of synchrotron radiation from field-aligned currents, W. Peter and A. Peratt, Laser and Particle Beams, vol. 6, part 3, pp. 493-501, 1988 (560K)
COBE Satellite Finds No Hint of Excess in the Cosmic Microwave Spectrum, Physics Today, 1990 (128K).
COBE Sows Cosmological Confusion, Science, vol. 257, 28, 1992 (356K).
Fretting About Statistics, Daniel Kleppner, Physics Today, July 1992 (236KB).
On the Critical Ionization Velocity Effect in Interstellar Space and Possible Detection of Related Continuum Emission, G. L. Verschuur, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 35, pp. 759-766, 2007.
Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, H. Arp, Astrophys. J., Supplement Series, 123-132, 1966 (152K).
Evolution of the Plasma Universe: I. Double Radio Galaxies, Quasars, and Extragalactic Jets, A. L. Peratt, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Vol. PS-14, N.6, pp.639-660, December 1986.(1.7M)
Evolution of the Plasma Universe: II. The Formation of Systems of Galaxies, A. L. Peratt, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Vol. PS-14, N.6, pp.763-778, December 1986 (1.9M).
The Role of Particle Beams and Electrical Currents in the Plasma Universe, A. L. Peratt, Laser and Particle Beams, vol.6, part.3, pp.471-491, 1988.
Electrical Engineering, Plasma Science, and the Plasma Universe, A. L. Peratt, 1986 (312KB)
The Golden Anniversary of Magnetic Storms and the Aurorae, T. A. Potemra and A. L. Peratt, 1989 (516KB)
Guest Editorial: The IEEE International Conference on Plasma Cosmology, La Jolla, CA, A. L. Peratt, 1990 (1.1MB)
Guest Editorial: Plasma Experiments in the Laboratory and in Space, A. L. Peratt, C.-G. Fälthammar, N. Rynn, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 1992 (548K).
Guest Editorial, Space Weather Effects, S. T. Lai, N. Singh, A. L. Peratt, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. December 2000 (36K).
Guest Editorial Sixth Special Issue on Space and Cosmic Plasma, A. L. Peratt and C.-G. Fälthammer, December 2003 (1.4MB)
Guest Editorial Seventh Special Issue on Space and Cosmic Plasma, A. L. Peratt and T. E. Eastman, August 2007 (3 MB)
Evolution of Colliding Plasmas, A. Peratt, J. Green, and D. Nielsen, Physical Review Letters, 44, pp. 1767-1770, 1980 (248K).
Microwave Generation from Filamentation and Vortex Formation within Magnetically Confined Electron Beams, A. L. Peratt and C. M. Snell, Physical Review Letters, 54, pp. 1167-1170, 1985 (688K).
A Particle-in-Cell Simulation of a Cyclic Beam Buncher, A. L. Peratt, C. M. Snell, and F. S. Felber, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 18, p.626, (1990) (448KB).
Comments on Tired-Light Mechanisms, H. Arp, IEEE TPS v.18, 1990 (136K).
Evidence for Quantized and Variable Redshifts in the Cosmic Background Rest Frame , W. G. Tifft, in Modern Mathematical Models of Time and Their Applications to Physics and Cosmology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1997 (1.2M).
Redshifts and Blueshifts of Spectral Lines Emitted by Two Correlated Sources, E. Wolf, Phys. Rev. Letters, 58, 2646, 1987 (176K)
Shifts of Spectral Lines Caused by Scattering from Fluctuating Random Media, D. F. V. James, M. P. Savedoff, and E. Wolf, Astrophysical J., 359, 67, 1990 (448K).
Filamentation of Volcanic Plumes on the Jovian Satellite Io, A. L. Peratt and A. J. Dessler, Astrophys. Space Sci. 144, pp. 451-461, 1988 (1M).
Was the Titius-Bode Series Dictated by the Minimum Energy States of the Generic Solar Plasma? E. Wells, IEEE TPS v.18, 1990 (264K).
Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen Filaments at High Galactic Latitudes and the Bennett Pinch, G. L. Verschuur, Astrophys. Space Sci. 227, pp. 187-198, 1995 (776K).
Radiation Properties of Pulsar Magnetospheres: Observation, Theory, and Experiment. K. Healy and A. Peratt, Astrophys. Space Sci. 227, 1995 (1.1MB).
Galactic Neutral Hydrogen Emission Profile Structure, G. L. Verschuur and A. L. Peratt, Astron. J. 118, pp.1252-1267, 1999 (672K).
Observation of the CIV Effect in Interstellar Clouds: A Speculation on the Physical Mechanism for Their Existence, A. L. Peratt and G. L. Verschuur, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. December 2000 (344K).
Trends in Apparent Time Intervals Between Multiple Supernovae Occurrences, E. Sanders, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.31, pp.1252-1262, 2003 (408Kb)
Self-similarity of plasma networking in a broad range of length scales: From laboratory to cosmic plasmas, A. B. Kukushkin and V. A. Rantsev-Kartinov, Rev. Scientific Instr., 70, n.2, pp.1387-1391, 1999.
Plasma Physics from Laboratory to Cosmos—The Life and Achievements of Hannes Alfvén, C.-G. Fälthammar (808KB)
Dean of the Plasma Dissidents, A. L. Peratt, The World & I, Natural Science Sec., pp.190-197, May 1988, (4 MB)
The Most Feared Astronomer on Earth: Halton Arp. W. Kaufman III. (592KB).
A Tribute to Oscar Buneman—Pioneer of Plasma Simulation, R. Buneman, R. J. Barker, A. L. Peratt, S. H. Brecht, A. B. Langdon, H. R. Lewis, IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci. 22, 1994 (1.2MB)
Particle Beams and Basic Plasma Phenomena in the Plasma Universe: A Special Issue in Honor of the 80th Birthday of Hannes Alfvén, Laser and Particle Beams, v.6, pt.3, 1988 (464KB)
The Legacy of Birkeland’s Plasma Torch, A. L. Peratt, The Kristian Birkeland Lecture, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, v.9, Oslo, Norway, 1996 (12MB).
In Memoriam Grote Reber 1911-2002 Founder of Radio Astronomy, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 31, December 2003 (372kB)
“Multiple Platform Application of 3D CAD PIC Simulations in Pulsed Power: The Coaxial Plasma Thruster: Demonstration of Large-Scale Separation of Electrons and Ions In Space and in the Laboratory for the Production of Gigawatt Microwaves , Invited Paper, A. L. Peratt and M. A. Mostrom, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Madison, WI.,1995 (4.6MB Quicktime Movie)
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